The world needs to slow down.
This small realization came to me the other day while driving back from Provo. I was cruising along doing about 77 or so, yeah I know a bit about the posted 65, just keeping up with traffic. I definitely wasn't the fastest car on the freeway, which means of course there were other cars passing me. Not a problem. Well you that moment when you're driving in the middle lane, the one that you're technically SUPPOSED to drive in unless you are going slow, which is the right lane, and then the left if you are passing (Although it seems to be switched here in Utah. Go figure), and since you aren't flying or going way slow, you have to get over to one of the lanes. Logical choice would be the left lane right? Well, that's what I did, because it made sense. So I get over, continue at my approximate speed, and pass the car that was previously in front of me. I check my rear view mirror and see this White SUV barreling up behind me. Well on the left is the carpool lane, and on my right are two cars, so guess what? He had to slow down. Oh man!!! The END of the world!!! He starts tailing me a bit, so I speed up to pass the cars and get over and let him by. As he flies by, I take a glance at this person that was in such a hurry. He was talking on his phone, of course, had nice looking shades on, and a sense of extreme importance on his face. Now, I don't mean to judge and I don't know the situation he was in. Perhaps his wife was in the hospital in labor and he was rushing to get there before his new child was born. However, he looked like an impatient man who just wanted to get from A to B as fast as possible, which is fine I suppose, but this whole situation just made me think: What's the rush? Really?
We are here, on this earth, living our lives and doing the things we feel are important. We have such busy lives and many times hardly take any time to ourselves to reflect and take in everything that God has given us. My buddy Adam hiked the Appalachian Trail this past year, and well I can only imagine how he felt. People as a general rule are so obsessed with getting things done, getting good grades, doing well on a test, finding that one person, going to meetings, getting from A to B in a precise time. The Holidays are just around the corner and everyone will be going 10,000 mph trying to find that perfect present for that special someone, which is great, but is this really the point of what Christmas is all about?
This semester has been amazing for me. Getting fired was the best thing that ever happened to me (aside from the getting fired part), and has really helped me to put life into perspective. All I know is I am going to try and take some time to be thankful, to think and ponder over the marvels the Lord has given me, us. My invitation to all those that might read this is to make this Christmas the best one EVER. Not because you got the BEST present ever, or even GAVE the best gift possible, but because you were able to feel the true spirit of what it's all about and the reason we even have Christmas.
Take some time, slow down, and be happy.