Thursday, January 28, 2010


I won't lie, that picture looks awesome. This guy completely decked out in armor, ready to go to battle, fierce looking, complete with battle axe and all. I would be scared to death to see him in real life.

My brother Austin, who is currently on a mission, used to be completely addicted to the World of Warcraft. All he would do, when not working or dealing with school stuff, is just that. Play WOW. As I was a video gamer in my younger years, and still am but on a much smaller scale, I can understand the pull a video game can have on a person. I might even go as far as saying it can be a stress reliever and a good source of entertainment for a busy life. Escaping reality for a short while, in my opinion, isn't all that bad. Everyone needs to have time to themselves to do what they want, to enjoy life, and to be chill. However ALL things, good or bad, should be done in moderation. For example, I firmly believe that reading the scriptures non stop everyday for a month is way too much. God gave us scriptures to instruct us and guide us during our journey here on Earth, not to bog us down not allowing us to live.

WOW is addicting. I know this for a fact. My brother was addicted to it, but he had the ability to walk away from it. I'm sure there are people out there who literally all they do is play the game, and live off of......well I honestly don't even know. I know there are people obsessed over it. Austin once bought a pack of WOW trading/playing/game cards, and chanced upon some lucky card that allowed his character to spawn a special pet, or something, in the game. He sold that CODE....literally a 10 digit number, for $800 on ebay. EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS......THAT is what I would call obsessed. The guy called him and told him he just wanted the code, and my brother gave it to him after the transaction was complete. I can't imagine having a life where $800 was less important than a feature on a video game. That's completely insane. Maybe I should invest in WOW playing cards and sell them online.......ok, no.

The whole reason for this post is not to bash those that play the game. I'm perfectly OK with playing the game in moderation, but just don't get obsessed with it. Obsessing over anything I think isn't really a good thing. I just have wondered recently about our society and things like this, and the impact it has. The entertainment industry is huge, It probably make more money than our country is in debt (just conjecture, and I realize our country is in debt so far we couldn't even count), which goes to show where peoples priorities are. Families are torn apart by vices such as Pornography, Alcohol and Drug abuse, etc. Is this really any different? I can understand both sides of the argument, but i would venture so far as to say it is not. It's an addiction, and could be the cause of pain and ruining lives.

Now for me.

I do not play this game. I refuse to even start.

My reasons are basic:

A. I have no desire. I see my roommates play, again which is fine, and well it just doesn't catch my interest. At all. Zero interest.

B. $15 a month to play a game. What happened to the old days when you bought the game, and that was it. No monthly fees, no gimmicks, just a good quality game. Warcraft 1 was amazing. Warcraft 2 was revolutionary. Then Starcraft came out, even cooler. I remember playing Warcraft 1 with my best friend Nick Griffiths, and we thought it was amazing. It was. It still is. Once we beat it, we still played, probably more than we should have, but it wasn't the same as WOW.

C. I don't have the time for it. I have work and class everyday, which means I'm gone from about 8 or 9 til 6 and at the latest 7, depending on the day. I don't have a ton of homework this semester, but I feel, personally, there are so many more productive things I can be doing (even though I still may not do those), and being stuck playing a game, is not on the agenda for favorite things to do. I've been able to spend more time playing the guitar, I even read a book recently, and I have time to do my studying and homework.

D. Boredom. I play video games, I can get into them and play for an hour or two. After that, I get bored, even if it's a game I really like, I still get tired of it. I cannot imagine sitting in front of the computer screen for hours, an entire day, not sleeping (as i'm sure some gamers do), just to "Run a Raid" or "gather herbs." I just can't imagine that feeling more important to accomplish than getting sleep. Something your body needs.

I'm sure I'm not the first to take a stab at the world of online gaming, but just from my observation and experience, I believe my feelings on the subject are clear.

Ps. Post #4. Goal complete for this month. I will probably write again this month anyway :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Samantha Jordan

Samantha makes me happy.
She never disappoints to sooth any pain,
or fear I might have.
She helps me forget those things that worry me the most.
My happiness is complete when I'm with her,
She understands me and I understand her.
I'm sad when she's injured and I don't have the means to take care of her.
She forgives me by being even more amazing after I've healed her.
She is a healer of shattered hopes and torn souls.
She mends a broken heart.
She is a part of me and I a part of her.
She never disappoints, only frustrates when we aren't getting along.
We make up and everything was worth it.
I can't help but smile when I spend time with her
Her name is Samantha, Samantha Jordan

Meet Samantha Jordan:
I'm not sure why this one came out so small, But this is her.

This is her insides

This is a close up of her body, and Melodious strings (also my favorite pic)

Yes my Friends, Samantha Jordan is my guitar. She's the one I would LOVE to devote all my time to, and she has been the recipient of most of my free time recently. I started recording songs I have written, just through the Mic on my computer, And even though the recording isn't that great, I have started to become addicted to the sound of my music coming through speakers. I've shared my 5 recorded songs with some friends, and I've been extremely surprised at the praise I've received. Maybe it's my insecurities about my voice or my lack of extreme awesomeness that makes me doubt any compliments I've received, I'm sure most artists are at first. I'd really like to get some opinions of people who I don't know personally as well. I don't know how to post the songs on here, or else I would. I suppose I could just start a Myspace page or something? That's so ghetto though........I also want to get REAL recordings done. Too bad I'm poor. Maybe some day :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I am Lost. I have decided this tonight. I feel as if I'm at a crossroads, with 10 different directions to go, and I'm sitting in the middle with my legs and arms crossed, my head down and a hoodie over my head not wanting to look at any of the Options. The worst part of the whole situation is basically not knowing what the 10 different roads are. I know what I feel and what I theoretically want, but all in all it seems It's too late to make any drastic changes in my life as far as school, career, location go.

I've also been living in the same house for 2 1/2 years, of which I don't regret. I love my roommates, my living conditions, my privacy, and my current life is comfortable. However, I believe this is precisely where my problem is: I've become too comfortable with my current life, even if it's been on cruise control for what seems like the last year, or more. But is being comfortable really a bad thing? I just feel like I don't have any opportunity to advance in life in my current situation. A certain friend asked me a while back when I'm going to move out of this house, and my answer was "I have no reason to." I really don't, but I'm starting to feel like I have more reason than ever before. The problem is I don't know where I would go. I don't want the student housing/apartments scene. I'm over that. I'm over wanting the party life, I want to move on. But I don't even know what moving on entails exactly. I know what the next step of life SHOULD be, and I feel i'm "ready" to take that on, but I can't force that to happen, although I'm really not doing my part to speed along the process......

I just wish Moroni would come down to me and tell me exactly what to do and what direction to go. Then again, I'm not sure I WANT to know the course in life I HAVE to go, Plus I honestly don't think there's just ONE way to go for a person. I just know I need to step it up on many levels and start caring. I do care, I just have a hard time showing it.

My current major is Communication Disorders, which then branches out into Speech Language Pathology or Audiology. I chose this major because I had considered it before, heard good things about it, it sounded interesting, a Personality inventory taken during a planning and decision making class suggested it, and it seemed to be a quick major. My original thoughts were to go Audiology, which is what I still plan to do, however with my current grades I'm not sure what is feasible. The main issue here is that I have so many hours, I'm not sure the university would allow me to change majors without some kind of special permission. I don't know what I'd change to anyway.

So that's how I'm feeling right now. I'm not sure why the world needs to know this, or even cares, but it feels good to get out.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I really SHOULD Blog, But I don't feel like it. So I'm not going to. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

However: Goal for this year, concerning Blogging: at LEAST 4 times per month, whether it be something small like this, or a 9 page report like half of my entries. I have other goals too. That will be an upcoming entry :)