I honestly don't know where that phrase came from, but, the last 5 1/2 years have been interesting. Alas, I have finished. I have raced the good race, and finished. I definitely didn't come in first, but I didn't come in last. I now have officially finished all required course work for my Bachelor's degree!!
I really don't know how to feel about this yet. It's kind of an indescribable feeling, and anyone that has experienced this knows what I'm feeling.
What's next? Well, theoretically I'm supposed to start looking at grad schools.....I'm just not sure how it will happen. Grad school is EXPENSIVE, and, my grades just aren't even anything anyone would take a second look at. Hopefully if I do well on the GRE, things will turn out for the best and I can get in somewhere.
For now, for the moment, I am HAPPY! I am proud of myself and this accomplishment! Things will fall into place, I know they will. They always do. But for now, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!