Monday, April 27, 2009

It's Been So long. Hi......This is it....well for now, it's Me.

Hello All you Blog readers!!! It's currently 3:38 AM, and i'm at work. End of Month, covering calls from Spain. It's quite fantastic really. I get to sit here and do basically whatever i please for about 4 or 5 hours, until the normal markets open. I'm currently watching the move "Atonement," and doing this as well. I know it feels like I've been away for....ages....I thought it had only been a matter of weeks, but apparently it's been over a month....and the last post i wrote was short and sweet. So even longer since I've really hounded anything out. This last semester kept me crazily busy, so busy I never realized I was that busy until the semester ended and I had nothing to worry about. I realize now too that I even let some of my friendships slide down the hill a bit, nothing irreparable. I'll be ok. I think?

I don't really know where to start. School is over, Thank goodness. I don't think i'll end up with HORRIBLE grades. I know for a fact in my Speech Anatomy class I didn't do well, at all, but i am pretty sure I'll at least end up passing the class. Sometimes that's all that really matters right? I had a teacher who made a good point once. When you are a professional "Whatever," and you have a masters or a PHD in this field of "Whatever," no one is going to care in any way whatsoever what grades you got in you undergrad courses. Of course grades do relate somewhat to where you go to Grad school, which could also in turn matter when you get your PHD and people don't recognize it unless from a certain school, but in the end it's just the same. Education is important. I love learning, i just don't test well. I've known that my whole life, and I guess that's how it's always going to be.

My brother got his mission call to the Arizona, Tucson mission. I cannot believe it is already time for my little brother Ozzy to go on a mission. I've been home now off of mine for 3 years and almost 5 months. So it's been 5 1/2 years since i was getting ready for mine, like my brother is now. I had the opportunity to go through the temple with him for his first time last Friday, the 17th, and had a pretty amazing experience. You know how the Lord will answer things for you when you aren't really looking for an answer to any particular question? Or maybe you don''s kind of crazy actually how he does things sometimes. I was just excited to finally get back to the temple, I hadn't been since December sometime. The Lord in his tender mercies decided it fit for me to received probably the strongest testimony of temples and the importance of them, that anyone could ever have. I haven't had any kind of strong spiritual experience since being on my mission, that I had in the temple that day. The strangest thing of the whole ordeal, as i mentioned above, was the fact that i was not expecting anything like this to happen at all. The Lord knows what he's doing, that much i know for sure. He puts things in your path and people in your life to help you gain an understanding of simple things, complex things, small things, large things, anything really that he wants you to understand. And in ways you wouldn't expect, at all, in fact, in ways you would think completely the opposite.

I gained a new Friend this past semester, a Friend that was one of the unexpected things/people referred to above. She was in my ASL class, for the entire semester, and only the last 3 or 4 weeks or so did we even become real friends at all. She is a very good friend to me now, and we've already shared alot together. I know she trusts me and i trust her. She is the reason i was able to gain such a strong testimony of the temple. I really don't know honestly if anything will really ever happen with her, and that's ok, since sometimes people come into your life for a short season and for a particular reason (no rhyme intended :) ) and once that reason has come and passed, i suppose it's possible to 'lose' that friend, although in my case i hope to never lose her as a friend. I don't lose, or let go of, friends very easily. Probably one of my stronger...downfalls...or maybe it's a strength. I just know what it means to have a good friend, and i appreciate those that i care about and care about me the most.

This movie is weird.

I'm still at my job. I considered quitting for the summer and going to install security systems. I decided against it though more because i feel it important to be around to spend some time with my brother before he leaves. I know i've threatened to quit Nuskin 2 years now...or longer...probably longer....but i just can't seem to get away. I keep applying for jobs, and not getting them, but when i find out who got the job, it makes sense and i agree they were better qualified for the job. If anyone knows of any actual good, real, jobs for me. Let me know k :)

I guess this is where I come to an end. I know this isn't really alot for over a month of no writing, but the fact is I just have come to a blank. It tends to happen when you're at work at 3 am.