Yes. I made the title like that on purpose, because I couldn't think of an actual title.
I really should be studying right now, like really, but I felt like I needed to post this.
Basically my life is actually........wait for it..........good. Yeah I know right? Me, being optimistic about my life? Yeah I know I tend to take a pessimistic viewpoint at times, but sometimes it's hard to see the light when you feel you are surrounded by darkness.
7 months ago I was in a rut. I felt I was so deep, it was literally going to be impossible to get out. Then the best thing that could have happened to me, did. I got fired. Getting fired SUCKED, of course, but I've come to realize that most times in life when you feel like the worst thing ever is going on, it's going to have good results. Things are going so well right now, I just feel like something "bad" is bound to happen. If it does, well I will try to remember how i'm feeling today, October 22, 2010.
Moving home was a hard decision, not something I ever wanted to do, but I know I needed to be there. When Austin came home, it was a confirmed right decision. Even though I'm not around much because of school and work, the entire family is currently living there. It's kind of crazy to be honest, but we all have different schedules so there are rare moments when we get to spend actual time together. One such event was last week when I went to Brent's swim meet. He's been swimming for 3 years, and this was the first opportunity I have actually had to go. It required driving to Roy, but it was worth it. I love that kid and am proud of him for taking swimming seriously and improving from last year. I love being around Austin. We went to Tucano's last Saturday, just the boys (Him, Brent and myself) and had a blast. I forget how awesome my brothers are. Camille is getting married in less than a month, and I'm so happy for her. I'm stoked to have Tony as a brother-in-law as we already get along and have sports in common. I look forward to the days and times we will get to spend together. I know my parents are behind me in life. I know they don't seem to have words of comfort at times, but I know they are there.
I'm doing well in school, meaning I'm actually doing ok on my tests. I've scored above 80 on 2, and another in the high 70's. The first of the year doesn't count because I wasn't in this groove yet. Basically I'm learning to enjoy school, and actually LOOK FORWARD to going to my classes (except one because it's exceptionally boring...grammar "Language Structure" class). I have people around me in my classes who want me to succeed, who truly care about my efforts and are willing to help me.
I finally am able to go to church on a weekly basis, and have decided I will go for all 3 hours. This has been a challenge for me in the past couple years. But I know it's important, and now have a calling (Second Counselor SS) and will need to be around. I also received some pretty intense promised blessings when I was being set apart by Brother Zarbock, especially in regards to my future family.....Sorry, that's too personal to post here :) I just know being in the ward is where I need to be
So did I get fired for all these things to happen? Did I get fired to possibly meet my wife? Did I get fired to actually do well in school and be excited for it? I know the Lord has plans for all of us and by trying our best, he'll make things work. I've just never felt like things are so on track before, even before I was in the rut.
I finally feel like I'm ACTUALLY figuring out How to Live Life and Be good at it. Guess I never really knew before.... :)