Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This Is how i feel.

School starting always leaves me with so many mixed emotions.....I'm actually quite relieved not to be BORED out of my mind everyday, but at the same time, i'm not terribly excited about going to class and having homework. Actually, homework won't be so bad. I honestly just dislike physically going to class. By the time you drive to campus, or walk, whatever, then hike 8 miles it seems, then get to class and you're only there for less than an hour.....it seems like alot of effort for nothing. At least that's how i feel :) But i'm actually ok with my classes this semester. Only ONE of my classes i know of now, i don't know someone. It's nice to have an acquaintance in class....it just makes it easier. I'll report more as the semester goes.



kevin said...

Have fun in classes. I finally finished all my coursework only to take on for "fun" this semester. Not really sure what I was thinking. On another note go Cougs! I am stoked for football season

Chris & Tiffany said...

OH FUJIKI. The voice that lulls me into a never ending sleep. Really. Bring a pillow. as for FLUHMAN. Amazing. I love the man. He is freakin awesome. You really can't sleep in that class because his awesomeness keeps you wide awake :)