Saturday, December 15, 2007

Being Human!!

Whoever put it in their head that it is a good idea for people to have to work on Saturday, should be punished to full extent. I do realize that many places, such as food places, retail stores, and certain businesses do their best on weekends. However, I work in a call center with many other people as well. Ask me, is the call center EVER busy on a Saturday? Generally no! Sure it gets busy sometimes, but that's rare and hardly merits me to work on a Saturday. Of course the gracious company i work for, decided that if you work after 2 YEARS for the company, IN the call center, only THEN would you have the opt out of working Saturdays. I suppose this is a pretty fair deal considering it IS a good company to work for, and they do pay well. But honestly....most people don't even last here beyond a year.

Many times I've debated on quitting my job and finding something else more exciting and unboring. The only thing that stops me is the money i make here, and some of the benefits. If it weren't for that, I'm sure i would have quit long ago. Apart from the benefits, lets be honest. How FUN is a job where i sit on my butt all day answering phone calls from people who most likely aren't going to have ANY idea what they want or what's going. "I've been a distributor for 12 years, but can you explain to me how to use my ADR points?!?!" GET WITH THE PROGRAM!! If you are going to do a business, you should understand what's going on! If you are going to buy products, having a monthly order, DO NOT call me and tell me "i didn't know my order was automatic!" or "You sent me products i never ordered!" First of all, I DON'T send you orders, you send yourself orders! The Distribution Center sends you orders. If you are going to be on an automatic ordering program, UNDERSTAND what the word AUTOMATIC means! I do realize that if you are new to the company that things need explaining, and I'd be more than happy to help you understand these simple things. Just don't make it harder than it needs to be! I'm a person too! I have needs just as well as you do. Everyone makes mistakes and knows they need to improve on certain things, but at the same time we need to learn to deal with circumstances, that even though truly may not have been our fault, with ease and patience. What's the point of causing your Aortic Artery to explode because there is so much blood pumping to your brain from you're ridiculous, unnecessary, ranting and raving. The truth is, i do like my job. I was reminded at how good of a job i have last Tuesday at our company party. I just truly wish the people in the world would get a clue and figure out how to function as a normal human being. It really is not that hard.

OK well enough of my ranting now about my fabulous job. I saw the movie I Am Legend yesterday. I went in kind of knowing what it was more or less about, but still it was a REALLY good movie. Will Smith really is such an awesome actor. I hate when people diss on an actor because of maybe one movie they did way back in the day, or a TV show they starred in that was amazing in the 90's. Anyone that has watched any kind of tense movie with me, knows I'm a jumper. But hey, isn't that the purpose of the director? He did his job, and that's that. Overall i give I Am Legend 4 stars, out of 5. The only thing it really lacked was more of an explanation of how the situation we were presented came to be.

I work til 5:15. Hopefully i can get off early. That is all.

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